Ethical Fashion on a Budget
We know the struggle – when you’re wanting to invest in pieces that are good for the planet and good for people, but the price tags just don’t line up with your paycheck. If this is you, all is not lost! Stay tuned – today we’re talking all things ethical fashion on a budget.
Study up
If you’re pinching pennies, but still want to be involved with ethical fashion, education is a great way to take things a step further. There are so many things to learn – from the global impact of fast fashion to discovering ethical brands you love. Here is a great place to start: check out these five free ethical and sustainable fashion online courses.
Start a budget
There’s no shame in taking a little time off from your regular spending habits to crack down on your finances. Actually, we encourage it! When you save up for a piece that you really love, you’re engaging in healthy and sustainable spending habits, laying the groundwork for you to continue doing so. It can be tough to know where to start when it comes to setting up a personal budget, and one of our favorite places to start is Clever Girl Finance – a personal finance platform dedicated to empowering women to ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth. Check out their free courses and helpful tips on creating a more financially rewarding life.
Discover new brands
Believe it or not, there are quite a few affordable ethical fashion brands out there (and we’re not just talking about ourselves!). Shopping ethically doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. Here are 11 affordable ethical fashion brands we think you’ll love.
Shop secondhand
While it’s true that lots of thrift stores and vintage shops are not yet open for business, plenty of online marketplaces are still in full operation! Shopping secondhand gives you the chance to find one-of-a-kind pieces, celebrate your unique style, and save quite a bit of money. Here are a few of our favorite online shops that have you covered in everything from jewelry to luxury.
Repair old pieces
Did you know that lengthening the life of your clothes from one to two years reduces their carbon footprint by 24%? And that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Repairing your clothes gives you the chance to learn a new skill, to change their style (if you want), and to give that piece you love a longer, happier life. This article really spells out everything you need to know if you’re ready to bust out that sewing machine your grandma left you.
What are your favorite ways to approach ethical fashion on a budget? Let us know below!